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Since the vice President must be capable of taking over the Presidency in the event of the death or disability of the President, the vice President has the same requirements as the President. That is, at least 35 years of age, and a US citizen born in the US.

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11y ago
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14y ago

Need to be thirty-five years old, Natural born U.S. Citizen, must have resided in the US for at least 14 years.

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14y ago

The person must have lived in the US for at least 14 years

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13y ago

You either have to be elected as the running mate fo the president or you have to be appointed to fill a vacancy in that office .

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13y ago

Must be born in the U.S.A, 14 year citizen and 35 years old

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9y ago

The requirements to be a vice president are be a natural-born U.S. citizen, be age 35 or older, has to live in the US for at least 14 years or more.

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What is the citizenship requirement for a person to became the vice president?

For President or Vice President, you must be a natural born citizen of the US. That means born in the US.

What is the requirement for a person to become a vice president of the US?

The VP has to be at least 35, same as the President.

Do US presidents have to serve one-term as vice-president?

No. This is not a requirement for being president of the United States.

What is the age requirement for a person to become vice president of US?

The VP has to be at least 35, same as the President.

What is the requirement of the vice president?

The requirements for VP are the same as the President, so the VP has to be a natural-born U.S. citizen.

What is the age requirement for a person to become vice president of the united stated states?


Did any US presidents not have a vice president?

Prior to 1967, anytime a president died in office his vice president took the office of president and did not have a vice president for the remainder of that term. Until the ratification of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, there was no requirement to replace a vice president. For example, Chester Arthur served out the rest of President Garfield's term without a vice president.There have been many occasions in which a President did not have a vice president during one of his terms. For example, Franklin Pierce did not have a vice president for almost all of his term. His vice president, William R. King, died after only 45 days in office.(see the related question)(see Sources and related links below for a complete listing of all of the presidents and their vice presidents, including periods in which they had no vice president)

What is the president's position within the executive branch?

* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president* President * Vice-president

Who is the second ranking member of the executive branch?

Vice President

If the president can no longer serve who can be president?

vice president until presidents term is up.

How is the vice-president elected?

The vice president is selected by the canidates and if they win the vice president they chose becomes vice president.

What is the vice president is the president of what?

The Vice President is the President of the Senate.