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Q: What is a word for a person who hates politics?
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Related questions

What is the word when a person hates everything?

misomaniac angsty

What is the word for a person who hates human beings?

Such a person is called a misanthrope.

What is the word when a person hates their country?

Misanthropic traitorous treason

What word describes a person hater?

If someone hates an individual person, or several persons who are not similar in any special way, the person doing the hating might be called hateful, or spiteful. If someone hates a whole group of people based on ethnicity, race, nationality or any number of other characteristics, the person might be called a bigot. The word misanthrope describes a person who generally hates humans.

What is the rhyming word pair for a big person who hates Christmas?

huge Scrooge

What is the name of a person who hates humankind?

A person who hates humankind is a MISANTHROPE

What do you call a person who hates reality?

This is a curious question. I assume you are asking about someone who knows what is real and what is not, and hates everything which is real. I don't know if there is a word for such a person, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that he had committed suicide.

What is the word for someone who hates strangers?

'Misoxeny' is the hatred of strangers.A person who suffers from misoxeny is a 'Misoxene'.

Use the word mugwump in a sentence?

this person was a mugwump when it came to politics

How do a honest person compare to a dishonest person?

an honest person hates lies while a dishonest person hates the truth. :)

What is the word for 'woman haters'?

Misogynists. A misogynist is a person who hates women. Hatred of women (as a noun) is called misogyny. A misandrist is a person who hates men. Hatred of men (as a noun) is called misandry.

What is someone who hates a person because their friend hates that person called?

Answer I would sugest "A person who has no opinion of their own".