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It is the prime minister

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Q: What is an PM in politics?
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What is PM in politics?

Generally speaking, PM, stands for Prime Minister. It is frequently the title of a leader of a government.

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How old was gough whitlam when he entered politics?

he was 23 years old :) he was PM from 1972 to 1975

Ano ang kahulugan ng pm?

pick up

What is the role of project management consultant?

The same as the typical role of the Project Manager. However, PM Consultants should not (at all) be involved in company politics or conflicts.

How long is it from AM to PM?

Midnight to noon is 12 hours (AM), noon to midnight is another 12 hours (PM). Therefore, it is 12 hours from PM to AM.

If its 12 00 noon is it am or pm?

It's neither, 12 noon and 12 midnight are just that although there are a lot of illiterates in positions where they should know better!)

What is the PM in politics?

PM stands for Prime Minister, the head of government in a parliamentary system. The Prime Minister is typically the leader of the political party that holds the most seats in the legislature. They are responsible for overseeing the executive branch, leading the country, and implementing government policies.

Is the afternoon am or pm?

it is pm. when it gets to noon, it is pm

What time is 12.45 in am pm time?

12.45 in am pm time is 12:45 PM.

How many hours is 12PM to 8pm?

12 pm, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm. 8 hours.

What will be the climax of 2G spectrum scam?

Definitely CBI officers arrest, who involved in the corruption,even they may be cm or pm or sonia gandhi also by their investigation.Then only there is a perfect meaning for indain politics.