In split-ticket voting, a person may vote for people from different parties and for different positions.
A dais is a raised platform at the end of a hall. An example sentence would be: Go stand on the dais.
A: Voting Booth PS i am using E2020 as well and am seeing many of your questions are the same as mine
They did all the work with limited government support. This is an example using the word limited government.
The voting districts are called precincts. The precinct is an enclosed space using walls or it can be an imaginary boundary around the place.
It has cost many lives to move Iraq into its current self-government mode.
Don't forget to register for voting!
This is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast.
The county representative's demagoguery will not be ignored by the voting public!
He devised a new technique using his technologies. This is an example of sentence using devised.
This is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening!
"I looked already and it wasn't there!" Is an example sentence.
That is a sentence using the word troops.
a example sentence is a monster can have many features
Example sentence - The stratum has been studied for decades.
Do not plagiarize your example sentences.
This is an example sentence using the word you asked about. I gave the customer a small sample to give them an example of what we can do. To set an example I demonstrated exactly how to do the job.
Example sentence - I discovered my ancestor was from England.