

Best Answer defines "legislation" as:

1. the act of making or enacting laws.

2. a law or a body of laws enacted.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

The act of turning a bill (idea) into a law or policy.

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Q: What is legeslation?
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If a bill is rejected what type of vote is needed to make a bill a law?

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What statement best characterizes the Progressive legislation during the first term of President Wilson?

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What is the function of the legeslation branch?

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Why does congress use comitties to evaluate proposed legeslation?

Both the House and the Senate depend upon committees to effectively consider the bills that are proposed each session. A Senator or Representative would be unable to read and handle all the bills that are introduced or studied in the course of a session. The committee system serves several functions. It allows members of Congress to divide their work among smaller groups. Lawmakers can become specialists in specific fields. Committees select those bills that deserve further consideration. By holding hearings, committees can investigate and help the public learn about the problems facing the nation.

Can the President do anything about a bill that was passed because he forgot about it after ten days and does not want the bill to become law?

First of all, it is nearly impossible for the President or his staff to 'forget' about any piece of legeslation. After 10 days, defined by the Constitution, the President excersises a 'pocket veto.' This means, if the President does not sign by the 10th day, the bill is rejected by the Executive Branch and is sent back to congress. If both houses of congress have 2/3 of its members to vote for the bill, they can override the Presidents veto and make the bill a law without the approval of the President. In short, if the President ignores a bill for 10 days, he automatically vetos, and rejects the bill. Therefore, 'forgetting' about a bill, does not make it a law for him to worry about.