

What is loyal customer?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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Management gurus have coined terms like "King Consumer", "Lead Consumer", "Super Consumer" for the customer who is obsessed with an organisations offering. They are not only heavy users of the product of an organisation but also have a certain attitude towards the product. They are also known as "High passion fans".

Super consumers not only buy products for themselves but also influence everyone in their social circle to buy the brand they follow. Apart from the usage, forging relationship with such customers in beneficial for the organisation.

Some organisations ignore super consumers as weird obsessives which is a big mistake they make. If an organisation forges a good relationship with its loyal consumers they propel the business by getting more new customers and also share valuable feedback which helps making improvements to the product as well as associated services like delivery, promotions, etc. associated with the product. This benefits the organisation by keeping the competitors at bay, increase in market share, and increase in profits.

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A loyal customer is a customer who always comes to your shop, restaurant, market, etc. Usually, they are like really good pals with the owner and sometimes they get things for free, or "on the house". Hope that helped! :)

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How do you treasure customer?

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