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It simply means selecting the candidates for the electorate to choose from at the ballot. For example - there might be 10 candidates nominated (chosen) to run for office - but obviously only one can have the job !

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Q: What is meant by nomination of candidates?
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Candidates who hope to win their party and nomination must .?

Candidates who hope to win their party and nomination must appeal to the people's emotions -- behave like Donald Trump.

What is the meaning of direct nomination?

The nomination or designation of candidates for public office by direct popular vote rather than through the action of a convention or body of elected nominating representatives or delegates. The term is applied both to the nomination of candidates without any nominating convention, and, loosely, to the nomination effected, as in the case of candidates for president or senator of the United States, by the election of nominating representatives pledged or instructed to vote for certain candidates dssignated by popular vote.

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do well in the primaries

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In reality, states have no position in the nomination of presidential candidates other than holding legal elections. The parties determine the candidates.

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nomination candidates for office, insuring the good performance of their elected candidates, providing a mechanism for the conduct of government

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Nomination by petition

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Nomination by petition

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They compete in primaries.

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political parties