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A person must be at least 35 years old in order to run for president in the US.

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You have to be at least 35 years old to be president

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The President must be 35 by the time he takes office in January. He could be elected the previous November.

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Q: What is min age requirement to become president?
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What is the age requirement to run for the US House of Representatives?

You can find the requirements in Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. "No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen."

Why is mumbai 30 min different?

Because the authorities in power in that area have decided that it should be so.

What are some good topics for a speech 3-5 min long?

Global Warming or Pollution

Which US President made the shortest inaugural speech?

That was George Washington's second inaugural speech in 1793. Click on the "Second George Washington Inaugural Speech" link below to read it. George Washington's 2nd inaugural address was the shortest in history.

Who won the election of 1796?

Vice President John Adams ran for the presidential office in 1796 and won the election.Adams represented the Federalist party in this, the nation's first contested election.1796 U. S. Presidential Election Results:70 votes (50.7%) - minimum required71 votes (51.4%) - V.P. John Adams of MA (Federalist Party) : elected President.68 votes (49.3%) - Fmr. Sec. of State Thomas Jefferson of VA (Democratic-Republican Party)Elected as vice-president.59 votes (42.8%) - Min. to Great Britain Thomas Pinckney of SC (Fed. Pty.)30 votes (21.7%) - U. S. Sen. Aaron Burr of NY (D-R Pty.)15 votes (10.9%) - Gov. Samuel Adams of MA (D-R Pty.)11 votes (8.0%) - U.S. Sup. Ct. Ch. Justice Oliver Ellsworth of CT (Fed. Pty.)7 votes (5.1%) - Fmr. Gov. George Clinton of NY (D-R Pty.)5 votes (3.6%) - Gov. John Jay of NY (Fed. Pty.)3 votes (2.2%) - U. S. Sup. Ct. Justice James Iredell of NC (Fed. Pty.)2 votes (1.4%) - Fmr. U. S. Sen. Samuel Johnston of NC (Fed. Pty.)2 votes (1.4%) - Pres. George Washington of VA (independent)2 votes (1.4%) - U. S. Sen. John Henry of MD (D-R Pty.)1 vote (0.7%) - Min. to France Charles C. Pinckney of SC (Fed. Pty.)Although John Adams' running mate was Thomas Pinckney, because of the way the vice president was determined at that time and because the electors' second votes were spread so thinly, Adams' main opponent, Thomas Jefferson, became Vice President instead.One thing different about the election of 1796 was it was the first election to be contested.

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i don't think their is a age limit

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No you must wait till age 62 at a min. unless you become disabled sooner then you have to apply for disablility and be approved by social security.