washington changes his cash crop from tobacco to wheat in time between 1761-1775
John Rolfe an Englishman brought the first tobacco seeds to Jamestown on a visit.
Taxation without representation and the king was unfair to the people and religiuous pilgrims were angered and moved.
It helped farmers all around the U.S. in the Great Depression era expand their varieties of main cash crops.
corn, pinto beans, potatoes, sunflowers, and wheat.
washington changes his cash crop from tobacco to wheat in time between 1761-1775
Cotton was the main cash crop of the South during the Reconstruction Era.
Maize is the main food crop and tobacco is the main cash crop
the cash crop are the main source of earning foreign exchange
The main crop of Virginia was tobacco. This was mainly grown in Jamestown and served as the main cash crop in the colony.
the fact that you needed many workers for the main cash crop in the south. The main cash crop in the south used to be cotton