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Phyllis Schafly led a revolt of conservative women against this amendment. On a legal note, it failed because it failed to get 2/3 approval from the states in the certification process.

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They haven’t failed. They are still working and provide protection from discrimination.

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cause of the voting

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Q: What is one reason why the equal rights amendment failed?
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What was the failed constitutional amendment that was intended to give equality to woman?

The Equal Rights Amendment

What is Equal Rights Amendment?

It was a failed US amendment that would have guaranteed equal rights to both men and women.

What was the outcome of the ERA?

The Equal Rights Amendment was a proposed amendment that failed to be ratified by enough states. It proposed equal rights for both sexes.

What was the failed constitutional amendment that would have given equality to women?

The Equal Rights Amendment

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It was a failed US amendment that would have guaranteed equal rights to both men and women.

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Is the failed equal rights the 14th amendment?

The 14th amendment does concern equal rights, but it would be an error to describe it as "failed" ... it just took a while (100 years or so) to actually become effectual in practice. The proposed amendment called the Equal Rights Amendment that was never passed, and could therefore reasonably be described as "failed", would have been the 20th amendment had it passed when it was proposed, or the 27th if had passed when it was finally accepted by Congress. Since it was not ratified by a sufficient number of states to be made part of the Constitution, it doesn't HAVE a number, though it could theoretically be re-proposed as what would become the 28th Amendment were it to pass.

Equal Rights Amendment?

Supported by the National Organization for Women, this amendment would prevent all gender-based discrimination practices. However, it never passed the ratification process.

Which amendment is equal rights?

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is not currently part of the U.S. Constitution. It aimed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex and was first proposed in 1923. Despite passing Congress in 1972, it failed to be ratified by enough states to become a constitutional amendment.