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They represent the house by determining what rule other bills can come to the floor. The Rules-Committee permits immediate consideration to legislative measures and prescribes conditions for debate. They can kill a bill by just not allowing it to move to the next stage after it has been placed on the calendar.

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Q: What is the House of Representatives Rules Committee?
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Does the Rules Committee exists in senate or house of representatives?

The Rules Committee currently exists only in the House of Representatives.

What is one committee in congress?

The House Rules Committee (House of Representatives)

What is the most powerful committees in the house of representatives?

The most powerful committee in the United States House of Representatives is The House Rules Committee

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rules committee

Who determines the schedule and rules for debate in the House of Representatives?

rules committee

How is the rules committee agent of leadership?

The Rules Committee controls all legislation in the House of Representatives. Since it controls under which rules the bills will appear on the House floor, it is a very powerful committee that is considered to be the arm of leadership.

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the rules committee

Where does the Rules Committee performs it functions?

The Rules Committee performs its function in the House of Representatives.

Which committee plays a key role in shaping floor debates in the House of Representatives?

The Rules Committee.

Which committee is considered to be a screening committee in the House?

The Committee on Rules in the House of Representatives is considered to be a screening committee. This committee reviews and proposes rules for the consideration of legislation on the House floor. It has the power to determine which bills come to the floor for debate and has a significant influence on the legislative process.

Who is responsible for scheduling a bill for floor debate in the House of Representatives?

Rules Committee

What has the author James Arthur Robinson written?

James Arthur Robinson has written: 'The House Rules Committee' -- subject(s): United States, United States. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Rules