Voting is the most powerful act of political participation
The Official Opposition serve to keep the ruling party in check. They make sure that any act unconstitutional or unjust does not go unprotested. They serve to deter the ruling party from becoming more powerful than their position allows. Without an opposing party, we get dictatorships and totalitarian control.
The speaker of the houseImproved Answer - Speaker of the House is the next person in line for the Presidency outside the Executive Branch, but not necessarily the second most powerful person in DC. The President's (White House) Chief of Staff would be the second most powerful person in Washington DC.
because of the habeas corpus act a monarch could not put someone in jail simply for opposing the ruler also prisoners could not be held inderinitely without trials.
The Majority Leader
Defiance- one of my favorite words.
That is the correct spelling of the verb "oppose" (go against, or act against).
Voting is the most powerful act of political participation
Capillary action and gravity is a a pair of opposing forces that act on water as it goes down through the soil.
Opposing means to be in conflict or disagreement with something or someone, to resist or act against something, or to be on the opposite side of an issue or argument.
A strong movement must have 'something' to motivate people to act, this can be a final injustice, defining example/event, or one active person. If the person is a 'nut', then they must be on the opposing side, or not clearly nutty (otherwise people will not wish to associate themselves).
The most powerful person in Theatre is the director.
opposing or restricting the use of powerful drugs of abuse an example of an anti drug would be marijuana
opposing or restricting the use of powerful drugs of abuse an example of an anti drug would be marijuana
Resistance refers to the act of opposing or withstanding something. In physics, it is a measure of the hindrance to the flow of an electric current. In the context of psychology and sociology, resistance can refer to the refusal to accept or comply with something.
Powerful nations had opposing aliances.
It is better to be remembered as a good and kind person rather than a powerful person.