The joke is that, since pro- is opposite of con-, congress is the opposite of progress. Except for this, there is no antonym.
It is the Congress. The congress is divided into two sections, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.
The Congress.
possessive form of the word Congress: Congress'
In a state - any member of the State Legislature. In the Congress - any member of the Representative or Senator.
A synonym is wiegh an anytonym is discard
Praise, encourage, compliment...
A synonym is attempt and an antonym
The Only Word I Can Think Of Right Now Is Undesireable.
The antonyms are friend, ally, helper, aide, assistant, and confidante.
aid, assist, encourage are all antonyms for thwart
multiplication is the process of repeated addition, thus division would be the "anytonym" because it is repeated subtraction
i think synonyms would be sharp and pointy. an antonym would me smooth and soft probably
You could use: apprenticed, articled, bound, indentured,at bay(predicate), cornered, trapped, treed,captive, confined, imprisoned, jailed,entangled,nonautonomous, nonsovereign,prisonlike.
A synonym is a word that means (near enough) the same as another word. Or inother words, a word that can replace another word without changing the meaning of the sentence. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.
It is the Congress. The congress is divided into two sections, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.
The collective noun congress is used for a congress of baboons, a congress of crows.