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a mandate

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Q: What is the claim that the electorate has given the winner of a presidential election a special authority to carry out her or his plans?
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What is the rule on special presidential election?

The US does not hold special presidential elections.

What are the types of election?

Genreral Election Special Election Electoral College Presidential Election Nomination

Which special event led to a special legislative session in Georgia to consider seceding from the union?

Lincoln's Presidential Election

Which event led to a special legislative session in Georgia to consider seceding from the Union?

Lincoln's Presidential Election

Is a presidential election a special election?

No, a presidential election, which in the U.S. is a statewide election held on the same day in all U.S. states plus the District of Columbia that determines which presidential and vice-presidential candidates' followers will be appointed as electors of the President and Vice President, is part of a general election. General elections are regularly scheduled elections held in anticipation of a new term beginning for certain offices. Special elections are held in response to an unscheduled event, such as a Congressperson or Senator dieing in office or resigning mid-term. Some special elections are held in conjunction with general elections. The general election of vice presidents and lieutenant governors removes the need for the special election of presidents and governors by having elected officials in position to take over immediately in the event of a president or governor dieing, resigning or being removed from office.

Which presidential election was decided by a special commission formed to determine the status of disputed electoral votes?

The Election of 1876; between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden.

Which presidential election was decided by a special comissions formed to determine the status of disputed electoral votes?

Rutherford B. Hayes

What are the two types of government elections?

Political system generally refers to a government of national organization structure and management system and related laws and regulations, or form of government. The American political system name: states of America. Political system type: the presidential system

When is the Next election day in 2010?

the next presidential election is in 2012Elections to the United States Senate will be held on November 2, 2010, for at least 36 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate. There will also be a special election on January 19, 2010.

If an official dies in office what kind of election may be held?


What special voting options do people on the maori roll have?

People on the maori roll vote in their maori electorate. People on the general roll vote in the general electorate. Just like voters on the general roll cannot vote in the maori electorate, voters on the maori roll cannot vote in the general electorate. There's nothing special - still two votes, one for the party, one for the person. The only thing that differs is the electorate they are voting in.

When the president is elected the the US chief justice what?

The Chief Justice of the US does nothing special in the election process. By tradition, he administers the presidential oath when the president takes office.