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The common hair color amongst presidents is a dark brown to black in their younger years. It is notable to mention that near the end of each president's term white hair is common.

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Q: What is the common hair color among the presidents?
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What is the most common hair color among presidents?

While I can't give specific percentages for each color, I'm pretty sure over 85% had blue, grey or hazel eyes. only 6 presidents have had brown eyes, and I'm unsure if there has been a green eyed president yet.

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In the book "Among the Hidden," Jen's hair color is described as strawberry blonde.

Least common hair color?

red hair

What is the most common hair color in america?

black hair.

The most common hair color?

A dark hair color, like brunette or black, is the most common. Blondes are common also, but red-heads are the rarest.

What hair color is preferred among men?

Dark Brown

Is hair color a character or a trait?

Hair color is a trait, not a character. Traits are inherited characteristics that can vary among individuals, while characters are the specific forms of a trait that an individual may possess. Hair color is a specific trait that can vary among individuals within a population.

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Do blondes also have blonde pubic hear?

Hair color can vary among individuals regardless of the hair color on their head. Some blondes may have blonde pubic hair, but it is not always the case. Pubic hair color is determined by genetics and can be different from the hair color on the head.

How do you make a red beard?

Hair dye my friend, hair dye. In some cultures, the herb henna is commonly used to give beards a reddish-orange color. This is a common practice among older men.