A political assassination is the killing of a person because of their political beliefs or activities. It happens because of political differences in society.
Conventional political participation is political participation that attempts to influence the political process through well-accepted, often moderate, forms of persuasion.
Beliefs and opinions people share about government and social responsibilities of the society they live in. Culture refers to the way of life of a given people,that is, the shared norms,values, beliefs and practices of that given society therefore i think political culture refers to the political norms i.e(constitutions),political values i.e(democracy,equality), political beliefs i.e(justice), and political practices i.e(elections) that shape peoples attitudes,opinion,behavior and the level of participation towards their political system. It is this perspective that leads me to look at the following aspects of political culture of a given society; a society that has either a participant political culture, subject political culture or a parochial political culture
A National Committee is the chief executive agency of a political party.
A political ideal is a vision or concept of what a just and desirable society should be like, including how power is distributed, how decisions are made, and what values should guide society's actions. It often serves as a reference point for political movements and policies.
1 The Hausa/Fulani Political Administration 2 The Yoruba Political Society 3 The Igbo Traditional Politics
natural law is a law seen as being independent of the pre existenceto the positive law of any giving political order society
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International Society of Political Psychology was created in 1974.
political indoctrinations means political with certain ideals or opinion.
A society run exclusively by men.
Political science is the study of government, politics, and political behavior. It seeks to understand how political institutions function, how policies are formulated and implemented, and how power is distributed and exercised in society.
Political identification.
It is one of Karl Marx ideas on the three levels of society. It involves politics, social structure, kinship, and gender. It follows under dialectical materialism theory.