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An autocracy is a government in which a single person holds unlimited political power. An oligarchy is a government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self-appointed elite.

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Q: What is the difference between an autocracy and an oligarchy?
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What is the difference between oligarchy and autocracy?

An autocracy is a form of government in which a single person holds unlimited political power, but an oligarchy is a form of government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self appointed elite.

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Modern Israel is a democracy.

What is the difference between an autocracy and a democracy?

A democracy is ruled by the people; an autocracy is ruled entirely by a smaller group of people.

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In a democracy people vote, whereas in an autocracy or oligarchy, they do not vote. Since any influence by voting, however minute, is present in a democracy and absent from an autocracy or oligarchy, it gives more power to the voter by dint of being greater than zero.

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representative democrazy

How is an oligarchy different from and autocracy?

An oligarchy is the rule of a select group of people that controlled the government of a nation. Public participation was negligible. A monarchy ruled by a king and hid family & friends. The transition of power was done on a heredity basis. This could be also termed an oligarchy. The difference in the former was that heredity was not a factor in transitioning power.

What are the types of citizen?

The three types of citizen participation is oligarchy, autocracy, and democracy. ur welcome

What is the difference between an autocracy and an oligrachy?

In an autocracy the power to govern is held by one person. The power is inherited or gained by force. Types of autocracy: dictatoship (Hitler, Stalin); absolute monarchy (Louis XIV or Louis XVI; constitutional monarchy(Japan, Britain). In an oligarchy a small group of people holds the power (eg. China). This group suppresses all political opposition and holds elections but offers just one candidate.

What is a government run by the few called?

Government by the few is an oligarchy, by a single powerful ruler an autocracy, and by the landed gentry an aristocracy.