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i dont known it

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Q: What is the essence of the government in the state as an element?
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What is the fifth element of a state?

The fifth element of a state is international recognition, which involves other countries acknowledging a state's sovereignty and government.

What is an element of the evolutionary theory of the origin of the state?

The evolutionary theory of the origins of the state emphasizes the government.

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Yes NJ is a Time is of the Essence state.

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The essence of a democratic government, according to traditional Western thought, is

What is the element of heart?

Darkness is the hearts true essence!

What are state of element?

1. Population ・ 2. Territory ・ 3. Government ・ 4. Sovereignty

Why is that government is an element of state?

Each state has state government because Arizona wouldn't know what's best for Maine, and vise versa. (that was an example) It's because not every place is the same and has different needs and whatnot.

What are the Essentials elements of taxes?

The essential element of a tax is a contribution to the state revenue levied by the government. Taxes are used to support government ran programs, government buildings, and to pay incomes of government workers.

What a totalitarian state?

AnswerA state in which the government controls every aspect of public and private life.; Existed in Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union.A totalitarian state is one in which all systems of government are controlled by a central power. A dictorship and a party will control the law courts, the police, the media and the government. All freedoms wil be denied. In essence, totalitarianism means total control of a people by one individual and the government it has created.

Can there be a state without government?

A state typically refers to a political organization with a government that exercises authority over a defined territory and population. Without a government to administer laws, provide services, and regulate society, it is challenging to have an effective state. However, some political theories suggest the concept of a stateless society, where governance is decentralized or non-existent.

Why is the state alaskas flower forget you not?

because of its essence and prettiness

What level of US government regulates the practice of law?

The "Practice of Law" is regulated by each state, normally, through a "Bar Association" chartered and regulated by the Supreme Court of that state. In essence the US Government does not regulate the practice of law, only states can; you must be a member in good standing of the state bar in order to apply for the 'american bar' association.