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Q: What is the main role in the House of Representatives?
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What are the main houses in parlaiment house?

The main house are the House of Representatives and the senate

What is the role of the vise president in the house of representatives?

The vice-president has no role in the House of Representatives. He serves as president pro tem of the Senate, casting deciding votes in the case of deadlock.

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Does the vice president serve as House of Representatives?

No, the vice president does not serve as a member of the House of Representatives. The vice president's role is to preside over the Senate and to cast a vote in case of a tie. The House of Representatives is a separate legislative body with its own members.

What is the title of the main officer in the US House of Representatives?

John Boehner

What are the two main parts of the US congress?

the senate and the house of representatives

What role does Speaker of the House of Representatives play?

The Speaker leads the House and sets rules related to its operations. -Apex

The role the House of Representatives plays in impeachments can best be compared with that of a?

The role the House of Representatives plays in impeachments can best be compared with that of a grand jury. A grand jury investigates criminal conduct and determines whether criminal charges should be brought.

What role plays the president of the House of Representatives?

There is not a President of the House of Representatives. The leader of the House is called the Speaker of the House. She is the head of her political party, and has some administrative and procedural duties. She is also second in the line of succession after the Vice President.

Who assigns members of congress to committees?

The main parties in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Which committee plays a key role in shaping floor debates in the House of Representatives?

The Rules Committee.

What are the three main parts of legislative branch?

There are 2 not 3 . The Senate and the House of Representatives.