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Q: What is the moral and political background of a character's environment called?
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The process by which your political attitudes are formed by your environment is called?

Political Socialization but stop cheating...

If somebody's name is mentioned in a story but they are not a part of it are they still a character?

Those kinds of characters are called background or peripheral characters.

What was government or politics like for NY in 1700?

it was a monarchy ruled by the dutch and it was called newamsterdam

Why was West Africa called the dark continent given its political background?

because they were sold as slaves

What is the beginning of the story called where the action is fairly flat and the story establishes background characters and setting?

The beginning of the story where the action is fairly flat and the setting and characters are established is called the exposition. This part of the story sets the stage for what is to come and provides essential background information for the readers.

What is the term for part of a story that provides background information about main characters and their situation?

The term is called "exposition." It usually is found at the beginning of a narrative and is used by an author to provide background information about characters or even events that happened in the past.

What part of the plot is called the exposition?

The exposition is the part of the plot that introduces the characters, setting, and basic situation of the story. It provides essential background information for the audience to understand the rest of the narrative.

How do manga artists add detail to their characters clothes and background?

I forgot exactly what they're called, but manga-ka use fabric and fancy paper with designs to add the detail to character clothing and background.

What are background performers in movies called?

People in the background are called Extras.

What are background performers in a movie called?

People in the background are called Extras.

What do we call the environment in which a story takes place?

The environment in which a story takes place is called the setting. This includes the time, location, and social context in which the events of the story occur. The setting helps to establish the mood, atmosphere, and background for the story.

What is a political group called?

A political group is called a "party" or "political group"