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The Preamble

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Q: What is the name for that portion of the US Constitution that explains the purposes of the US government?
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The constitution divides the powers and responsibilities of government into three parts. This divisionis called?

The three parts of government that are separated in the Constitution are known as the separation of powers. The three branches of the government, legislative, executive, and judicial, each have assigned duties, and each can exercise a series of checks and balances to assure, no one portion of the government usurps the powers of the others.

What is the most democratic part of the constitution?

The most democratic phrase in the Constitution might be the first three words. "We the People..." suggests that all authority for government lies in representing the will of all the people (citizens) of the United States. You might also look at the 14th Amendment which has an equal protection clause that is the basis for how individuals have rights that cannot be taken away without due process. Having individual liberties guaranteed makes the US a liberal democracy. A third place within the three part structure of federal government which the Constitution sets up where you find democracy is the House of Representatives portion of Congress. The intent of the founders to have this body elected every two years and to be in charge of tax and spend policy intended to make it the most democratic portion of federal government. (But the re-election of incumbents into the House is very high and the growing power of lobbies suggests that the House is not truly living up to the democratic design of the late 1700s.

Why did our government build the interstate highways?

Beginning in 1956. The original portion took about 35 years to complete.

What part of the US Constitution guarantees citizens their personal freedoms?

The original Constitution actually guaranteed little personal liberty. However, the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution passed at the same time as the Constitution brought those liberties into focus and codified them.

Why were some states hesitant to ratify the Constitution?

Many people objected the ideas of the Constitution, like Patrick Henry and George Mason. They were unhappy with the Constitution because they believed it needed a Bill of Rights, and over that period of time ten amendments were made to the Constitution called the Bill of Rights.

Related questions

What is the name for the portion of the us constitution that explains the purposes of the US of government?

The Preamble

What is the name of that portion of the us constitution that explains the purposes of the US government?

The preamble

What is the name for that portion of the US Constitution that explains purpose of the US government?

The Preamble

What is the name for the portion of the US Constitution that explain the purposes of the US government?

The Preamble

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What is the portion of the Constitution that basically explains the why of its existence?

preamble dumby

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Portion of the constitution establishing the legislative department?

The US Constitution outlines each branch of government and their responsibilities. Article 1 is the portion of the Constitution that establishes the legislative department.

Why did the writers of the constitution create a systems of checks and balances?

So that no portion of government could become to powerful and overthrow other portions of the government and to guard against any one branch becoming too powerful, the Constitution provides a system of checks and balances.

What does the anti-establishment clause do?

Prohibits the government from making any law regarding the establishment of religion. Essentially, it is the "separation of church and state" portion of the constitution.

The constitution divides the powers and responsibilities of government into three parts. This divisionis called?

The three parts of government that are separated in the Constitution are known as the separation of powers. The three branches of the government, legislative, executive, and judicial, each have assigned duties, and each can exercise a series of checks and balances to assure, no one portion of the government usurps the powers of the others.

Why did the writers of the constitution add checks and balence?

To keep one part of the government from getting too powerful or to take major authority over one another!