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The founding fathers

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Q: What is the name given to the form of representative democracy created by the framers of the US constitution?
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Did the framers of the Constitution created a system of a government based on the principles of direct democracy?

NO. The United States is a representative democracy and its Constitution gives no provisions for direct democracy.

The Constitution and the principles of representative democracy helped dispel the framers' fear of a?

tyranny of the majority

What question did the framers of the US constitution have to deal with and how did they answer or solve this question?

The framers of the Constitution had to create a government that was representative, but neither a monarchy or a pure democracy. That alone had so many different interpretations that the entire document is essentially a series of brilliant compromises, the main author of which was James Madison. They settled for a representative government.

Did the constitution create a democracy or a republic?

No, the Framers created a republic, not a democracy.

In what ways were the framers of the constitution not representative of the population of the US?

they were men

The Framers of the Constitution understood democracy and republic to mean different things Which concept did the Framers favored democracy or republic?

The Framers knew the direct and pure form of democracy and they feared that the emotional decisions taken by the populace; which is called unrestricted Majority Rule; may violate the individual rights. Therefore they chose the republic form of government in which the people choose individuals to represent them and transform their will into rational and reasonable decisions. after many amendment in the US constitution the government became a democratic republic.. or what we can call "representative or liberal democracy".A republic as opposed to a pure democracy

The Framers of the Constitution preferred which political arrangement?

The political arrangement preferred by the Framers was that of a republic, rather than a pure democracy, for example. Thomas Jefferson was one of the framers of the US Constitution.

The framers of the constitution understood democracy and republic to mean different things Explain this difference and identify which concept the framers favored?

The Founders of the United States strongly favored republican government over democracy for a variety of reasons. Fundamentally, however, they were suspicious of pure 'rule by the people' (which is democracy) because of its instability and difficulty alike; they deliberately chose instead to establish America as a republic, which combines some features of democracy with parliamentarian (and oligarchic) government for the sake of a 'representative democracy.'

What does it mean when the constitution was obligated to provide a republication form of government?

The Declaration of Independence makes plain the founders intent to establish a government "of the people, by the people, for the people." A republic is a representative democracy. By establishing a republican form of government, he Framers of the Constitution intended for the leaders to act as representatives of the people.

How did framers of the Constitution ensure that a strong military could not threaten the new democracy?

They established civilian control of the military.

What evidence is contained in the constitution to indicate the framers were distrustful of democracy?

Careful wording and wanting less power for government

How did the framers of the constitution ensure that a strong military could not threaten the new democracy?

They established civilian control of the military.