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The Secretary of Defense. Hope that this helped.

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The Secretary of War position (along with the Secretary of the Navy position) was replaced with the Secretary of Defense position.

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The secretary of Defense replaced both the Secretary of War ( army ) and the Secretary of the Navy.

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Q: What is the name or the cabinet department that replaced secretary of war department?
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Name ten cabinet-level position?

The Cabinet consists of the Attorney General and the Secretaries of State, Treasury*, Defense, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Transportation, and Energy, as well as several other department heads. *Note: Secretary of the Treasury (or, Treasury Secretary) is a different position than that of Treasurer.

What is the name of the leaders of the executive department?

The Cabinet

Who is the US secretary of war?

The position of Secretary of War refers to the leader of the War Department. This agency and position was disbanded in the US in 1947, after WWII. The most similar agency in the US is now the Department of Defense, headed by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.

What president came up with the presidential cabinet?

Louis XIV of France built the colossal Palace of Versailles. In that palace he made sure all his enemies and advisers lived with him. He couldn't meet with all of them at the same time, so whenever he was in the bathroom doing his business, his advisers would speak with him and make decisions through the cabinet door. The reference to the cabinet is where the idea for the name of the President's cabinet originates.

What are the names of the current members of the presidential cabinet?

As of mid-2010, the cabinet of President Obama is as follows : Attorney General (Department of Justice) - Eric Holder Secretary of Agriculture - Tom Vilsack Secretary of Commerce - Gary Locke Secretary of Defense - Robert Gates Secretary of Education - Arne Duncan Secretary of Energy - Steven Chu Secretary of Health and Human Services - Kathleen Sebelius Secretary of Homeland Security - Janet Napolitano Secretary of Housing and Urban Development - Shaun Donovan Secretary of the Interior - Ken Salazar Secretary of Labor - Hilda Solis Secretary of State - Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of Transportation - Ray LaHood Secretary of the Treasury - Timothy Geithner Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Eric Shinseki

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What is the name of the cabinet department that replaced secretary of war department?

The Secretary of Defense replaced the Secretary of War as well as the Secretary of the Navy.

What is the name of the cabinet department that replaced secretary of war?

Secretary of Defense. Homeland Security to a stretch. Hope this helped.

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In letters or communications to cabinet secretaries of the Philippine government, you address them as Honorable or Hon. (Name), Department Secretary or just Secretary, Department (Name), Address. Example: Hon. Arthur C. Yap Secretary Department of Agriculture Diliman, Quezon City

What is the name of the departmentalgroup that advises the president?

It is called the Cabinet. The Cabinet consists of all the department heads appointed by the president and they individually and collectively advise the president on the decisions he must make. Head of the Justice Department is the Attorney General Head of the Labor Department is the Secretary of Labor Head of the Department of Defense is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Head of the Treasury Department is the Secretary of the Treasury There are several other departments in the Cabinet.

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The name of the cabinet secretary of the ministry of Health in Kenya is Hon. James Wainaina.

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The name of the cabinet secretary of the ministry of Education in Kenya is Hon.Professor Jacob Kaimenyi.

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The cabinet secretary of the Ministry of Mining is Hon. Najib Balala.

What is the name of the cabinet secretary in the Ministry of The National Treasury in Kenya?

The name of the cabinet secretary of the ministry of The National Treasury in Kenya is Hon. Henry Rotich.

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The name of the cabinet secretary of the ministry of Defence in Kenya is Hon. Amb. Raychelle Awour Omamo.

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The name of the cabinet secretary of the ministry of Devolution and Planning in Kenya is Hon. Anne Waiguru.

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The name of the cabinet secretary of the ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kenya is Hon. Amb. Amina Mohammed.

Units of cabinet rank are called what?

In the US, cabinet rank uses the name of Secretary of. For example, you have the Secretary of Education, Energy, Transportation, Labor, State, and Defense.