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An interpretation

An interpreter

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Q: What is the noun for interpret?
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What is a noun for interpret?

The noun for interpret is interpretation.

What is the noun form of the interpret?

The noun form of "interpret" is "interpretation."

Is interpretation a verb?

No. Interpretation is a noun, based on the verb "to interpret."

What is interpret as an adjective?

Adjectives for the verb interpret include the past participle (interpreted) and a derivative of the noun interpretation, which is interpretative. Another less-used derivative is interpretable.

Give you a synonym for interpret?

understand, define, represent, portray, solve, improvise, perform, describe, enact, explain, decode, comment, interfere, change

What part of speech is analysts?

"Analysts" is a noun. It refers to people who analyze and interpret data or information.

What part of speech is interpretation?

The word interpret is a verb. The past tense is interpreted. It describes the action of analyzing something to determine what it means.

Is that right sentenseBut you like?

How I interpret this: Is this a correct sentence: "But you like?" Answer: No. It needs an auxiliary verb and a noun: "But, do you like it?" would work.

Is decipher a noun?

No, "decipher" is typically used as a verb meaning to decode or interpret something that is difficult to understand.

Where is concrete or abstract noun in sentence the memorial is in a beautiful setting not far from two other monuments?

The concrete nouns are memorial and monuments.The abstract noun is setting.The noun memorial can be an abstract or a concrete noun. In this sentence it seems to be referring to a physical object (not far from two other monuments). I interpret this use as the memorial being something physical, an object in a place.

How do you put interpret in a sentence?

It was hard for him to interpret the document because it was in hieroglyphics.

What is a sentence with the word interpret?

I can interpret the meaning of this poem.