The Rules Committee currently exists only in the House of Representatives.
The leader of the House of Representatives is the speaker of the house That is currently John Boehner
There currently are no term limits for either house of congress. Members of the House or Senate may serve unlimited terms of office until retirement, death, or failure to be re-elected.
Her official title is "The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives" and the office is currently held by Nancy Pelosi.
The Speaker of the House is an office in the House of Representatives. The Speaker is the leader of the House. The leader of the Senate is the President Pro Tempore.
There are currently 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Illinois currently has 19 representatives in the House of Representatives.
there are 16 Asians currently in the House of representitive.
There are currently 435 representatives in the US House, each representing a district with a population around 650,000 - 700,000.
there are currently 26 Hispanics in the House of Representatives, and 3 in the Senate
Arizona has eight US Representatives.
There are currently 188 Democrats in the House of Representatives.
Minnesota has 8 members in U.S House of Representative, it has 10 electoral votes.
The Rules Committee currently exists only in the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the House
California currently has 53 representatives in the House of Representatives.
Currently there are 150 seats in the House of Reps.