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He/she is the head of the party.

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Q: What is the president to a political party?
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Do the president and vice president of the US of different political party can serve at the same time?

No, they have to be of the same political party.

President's political power is?

to be head of the political party

Which political party has never had a President in office?

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Chief Of Party?

term for the president as the leader of his or her political party.

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President Washington did not belong to any political party because political parties did not exist when this nation was founded.

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President François Hollande belongs to the Socialist Party

What is the political party of our present president?

Our current president - Barack Obama - is part of the Democratic Party.

What is the political party of the president know?

As of September 2021, the current political party of the president in the United States is the Democratic Party.

What section of the Constitution says the president and vice president must be of the same political party?

It doesn't because vice president Hendricks was in a different political party than the president at thay time.