Yep. They were made from 1971 to 1978. They have a melt value of $.21.
Carter in 1978, Reagan in 1986.
General Ignatius Kutu Acheampong was a military dictator who ruled Ghana from 1972 till 1978. He was deposed in 1978 and subsequently executed by a firing squad.
The Court Interpreters Act of 1978, signed by President Carter on October 29, 1978, establishes the right of any individual involved in federal proceedings to have a certified court interpreter if his/her communication or comprehension capabilities are inhibited because of a language barrier or a hearing or speech impairment.
About 10 cents
correction: .40 cents
Please check your coin again. Wheat cents were made from 1909 to 1958. All cents dated 1959 to 2008 are Lincoln Memorial cents. If it is a 1978 Lincoln Memorial cent, it's only worth face value in circulated condition.
50 cents. They are not silver and unless in mint packaging they are only worth 50 cents. They are in common circulation.
Less than 15 cents.
{| |- | Scott Number 2111. These are the first class stamps issued when they weren't sure of the final value of the postal rate hike. They have a face value of 22 cents. They are still valid for postage within the US for 22 cents. |}
Those were issued in 1978. They have a face value of 15 cents.
$133.89 in american money
SEE: It's worth 22 cents
A common modern coin, often found in dealers' misc. foreign bins for 20 cents or less.
It's worth 10 cents.
value of a 1978 corvett