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Q: What is unique about cooperative federalism and coercive federalis?
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What make unique Ethiopian federalism from other federal state? What make unique Ethiopian federalism from other federal state?SAVE CANCELalready exists.Would you like to merge this question into it?MERGE CANCELalready exists as an alternate of this question.Would you like to make it the primary and merge this question into it?MERGE CANCELexists and is an alternate of .Merge this question into Split and merge into itSAVE CANCELIn Politics and Government

Where in the Constitution does the word federalism appear?

The word Federalism does not appear even once in the Constitution. At the time, the founding fathers essentially created a unique type of government and so it is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

Why do you have federalism?

In respect to the formation and development of American government, federalism was (and still is) a basic feature for quite a few reasons. One of the most important is that the American Founders were as a group committed to federalism as a key structural element in sensible, realistic, and viable government. A second important reason: while it can take many different forms, federalism generally provides a foundation for different peoples and communities (with unique customs and values and priorities, etc.) to act in a united and efficient manner -- that is, as an integral nation -- while also helping to preserve space within which individual and regional differences can be protected and flourish alike.

Why is esophageal tissue unique?

The esophagus is a complex part of the body with many cooperative layers which perform different functions. These layers - muscularis mucosa, the submucosa, and the connective tissue - have different structures and textures to aid their activity.

What is the view that individual states should decide what is legal?

This view is known as states' rights or federalism, where the power to make certain laws is decentralized to individual states rather than being dictated by the federal government. It is based on the belief that states should have the autonomy to govern themselves according to their unique needs and values.

Can unique key be null?

No unique can not be nulll....unique must have any unique value for unique identification.,...

Is it a unique code or Is it an unique code?

It is a unique code.

What is tongue twister with long e?

"Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York, Unique, New York," keep on saying it a lot, and soon you'll be saying: "Unique, you York!"

How do you spell uniqe?

The correct spelling is "unique."

Are cells that have a mitochondria unique to animals?

No they are not unique to animals. But they are unique to eukariyotes

When does unique get kicked off the show for the love of ray j?

ask unique u ask unique u ask unique u ask unique u