Line Item veto.
The governor of a state may veto an item of any type of bill without vetoing the whole bill. This action is called an item, line veto.
The power that allows certain governors to reject only parts of a spending bill is referred to as the line item veto. Only a few governors have this option. Most governors must accept the entire bill or veto the entire bill.
Governors can veto state bills, but nothing besides a state bill. The president has the power to veto any law or bill that is present.The president can veto only a federal bill, one that was passed by Congress, and he can only veto the entire bill -- he can't pick the parts he likes and dislikes.Governors can veto only state bills, passed by that state's legislature. Some governors have the line-item veto. They can veto the parts of a bill they object to, and let the rest become law.
The mirror in the governor's mansion shows Hester a distorted reflection of herself.
A vest is a clothing item. A vestment is a clothing item worn by clergy during a ceremony. A visor is a clothing item.
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Garters are an item of clothing. It contains 7 letters.
A Scarf!