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Q: What kind of assistance to the poor did hoover favor instead of a dole?
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Why did Hoover believe that only state and city governments should dole out?

Q-Hoover believe that only state and city governments should dole out? A- relief

Who should dole out relief according to hoover?

the unemployment....(I thinkk)

In South Dakota v dole the supreme court ruled?

•7 to 2 vote in favor of Secretary Dole.

Identify and explain the figure of speech in ' If Ford and Dole win I'll lose my Ford and have to go on the dole'?

It is a play on the names of the candidates for office. Gerald Ford, and the person speaking has a Ford automobile. Bob Dole- but dole is also a term used to mean receiving public assistance, such as welfare or unemployment payments.

What Hawaiian industries were in favor becoming a US territory?

James Dole's pineapple company Sugar and fruit companies

What is a dole in Angela's Ashes?

In "Angela's Ashes," a dole refers to the social welfare payment received by families in Ireland who are struggling financially. It is a form of government assistance to help households in need to cover living expenses.

What is the government pay scale?

to danm low bi**h get a job instead of the dole :)

What is the general term for public assistance given to those who do not make enough money to live especially to single mothers and children?

dole money

Till now we are not a friend?

Bob dole like your style bob dole,bob dole . Bob dole

What country did Dole bananas come from?

Many Dole brand bananas come from Costa Rica.

What is Elizabeth Dole's husband's name?

Elizabeth Dole's husband's name is Bob Dole.

Did Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole divorce?

Bob or Robert the same people and Elizabeth Dole did NOT get a divorce.