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France had an absolute monarch

Louis XIV was a divine right king. also called "the sun king"

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Q: What kind of government did France have in the 1600's?
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What kind of government did France have in the middle ages?

France was a feudal monarchy.

What kind of government does Paris have?

Paris is located in France. The government of France is a unitary semi- presidential constitutional republic government. The mayor of France in 2014 was Anne Hidalgo.

Where was calvinism in the 1600s?

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one with three branches: a legislative branch,an executive branchand a judicial branch (({Novanet})) ;))

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representative government

What was the newspaper called in France in the 1600s?

The first French newspaper, printed in the 1600s, was named "la gazette".

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What was the economy of France like in 1600s?

it depended on imperialism

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What kind of government did France have before their revolution?

An absolute monarchy.

What were some jobs in France in the 1600s?

Most people in France in the 1600s worked as farmers. Some people worked as fishmongers, tailors, blacksmiths, shoemakers, and inn keepers.

What type of government does France has today?

semi- presidential so kind of a democracy and kind of a republic.