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Coercive acts

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6y ago

In 1774, the British Parliament passed the Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts to the Colonists) effectively shutting down Boston Harbor in response to the Boston Tea Party.

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8y ago

The British Parliement passed the Coercive Acts in 1774 in order to punish Bostonians for the recent Boston Tea Party, and then in an attempt to control the rebellious colonists.

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What laws closed Boston harbor and then placed Massachusetts under military?

Coercive acts

What laws closed Boston harbor and then placed the Massachusetts under military rule?

The Coercive Acts.

What laws closed Boston harbor then placed Massachusetts under military rule?

Coercive acts

What laws closed Boston harbor and the placed Massachusetts under military rule?

The Coercive Acts.

What laws closed Boston harbor and placed Massachusetts under military rule?

Coercive acts

What is laws closed Boston harbor And placed Massachusetts under military rule?

The king did that after the Boston Tea Party. There was no law. A king doesn't need a law he does what he wants.

What state is the Boston Harbor in?

Boston Harbor is in Massachusetts, and the capital's BOSTON.

What did the coercive act close?

The coercive Act closed the boston harbor until the massachusetts colonist paid fo the ruined tea.

Where is Boston Harbor?

In Boston Massachusetts

How did the British punish colonists for the Boston tea party?

Parliament, made a law which closed down Boston Harbor and put Massachusetts under British rule

What was one important effect of the Tea Act on the colonists.?

Boston Harbor was closed by the British.

What closed Boston harbor cancelled Massachusetts carter and forced colonists to house and supply British troops?

The acts were the coercive acts