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General Sherman's Special Field Order No. 15.

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Q: What led many freed slaves to believe they would finally be able to own land in the south?
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What led many freed slaves to believe the would finally be able to own land in the south?

General Sherman's Special Field Order No. 15.

Who were slaves in the South freed by?

the slaves in the south were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.

What led many freed slaves to believe they would finally be able to own land in south?

General Sherman's Special Field Order No. 15.

What led man freed slaves to believe they would finally be able to own land in the south?

After the Civil War, several factors led freed slaves to believe they could own land in the South. These included promises made by Union generals, the Freedmen's Bureau assisting with land distribution, and the passage of the Homestead Acts which provided opportunities for land ownership. Additionally, the hope for economic independence and self-sufficiency played a role in motivating freed slaves to pursue land ownership.

How did the south get help with its thousands of freed slaves?

South got help with its thouands of freed slaves by the Freedman's Bureau.

Number of slaves freed in the south?

almost 4 million slaves been freed

What led to many freed slaves to believe they would finally be able to own land in the south?

General Sherman's Special Field Order No. 15.

Who was freed by the emancipation proclamation in which region?

Slaves in the U.S. south were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.

Why was the Proclamation significant?

It freed all slaves in the south.

What led many freed slaves to believed they will finally be able own land in the south?

After the Civil War, the promise of owning land in the South was fueled by the Freedmen's Bureau, which aimed to assist freed slaves in acquiring land and establishing themselves economically. The distribution of abandoned and confiscated Confederate land also raised hopes for land ownership among freed slaves. Additionally, the Emancipation Proclamation and Reconstruction Amendments helped solidify the belief that former slaves would have the opportunity to own land in the South.

Why was it sad for the south when Lincoln was killed?

Because he was the one that freed the slaves from the south

Why were the slaves freed?

The Civil War was over slavery. The North was against it and the south was for slavery. The North won so all the slaves were freed.