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The First Continental Congress was called on to try and establish what American rights were, the proper tactics for resisting the Coercive (the Intolerable) Acts, and what the limits on Parliament's power should be.

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Betty Wilderman

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Q: What led to the meeting of the First Continental Congress?
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What governing body led the colonies during the revolution?

The governing body that led the colonies during the Revolution was the Continental Congress. It met several times to try to fund the Revolution and for several other reason.

What role did George Washington play in the Continental Congress and how did that lead to him becoming commander of the Continental Army?

he led the army and other things.

Why did the continental congress have difficulty raising money?

The Congress negotiated with foreign nations, established a postal system, borrowed money to support the army, and printed currency known as "continentals." However, the government's poor finances led to the expression "not worth a continental." Since the Continental Congress lacked any formal constitution,

What is the purpose of the Continental Congress?

the continental Army war strageies were to use gurilla tactics.Akso George wanted to keep his Army together intil the British Army got mad and discouraged. He didn't want to to lose all his soldiers he wanted to stay together and try to win the war!

Who declared the colonies to be independent from Britain?

The Second Continental Congress. Its members represented all thirteen colonies. The First Congress had met in 1774 and adjourned for a year with little resolved. The Second began meeting early in 1775, as war broke out. This Congress stayed in being until the war was over, and the new Constitution adopted. While in session the Second Continental Congress had adopted the Articles of Confederation, after which they were called the "Confederation Congress". The first draft of the actual Declaration of Independence was the work of a committee, including John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, with Jefferson doing most of the composing. The Resolution that the Congress should declare Independence, which led to the appointing of the committee which drafted the document, was offered by Richard Henry ("Light Horse Harry") Lee of Virginia, whose other claim to historical fame was that he was the father of Robert E. Lee.

Related questions

What event led to the meeting of the first continental congress?

The First Continental Congress was called on to try and establish what American rights were, the proper tactics for resisting the Coercive (the Intolerable) Acts, and what the limits on Parliament's power should be.

Which event led to the meeting of the first continental congress?

The coercive acts

What event led to the meeting of the first continental continental?

The First Continental Congress was called on to try and establish what American rights were, the proper tactics for resisting the Coercive (the Intolerable) Acts, and what the limits on Parliament's power should be.

What led to the first continental congress?

The drafting of the declaration of independence did

What event led to the first continental congress?

the stamp act

What events led up to the first continental congress?

the stamp act

Body led by john Adams that issued a declaration of rights?

The First Continental Congress

What governing body led the colonies during the revolution?

The governing body that led the colonies during the Revolution was the Continental Congress. It met several times to try to fund the Revolution and for several other reason.

What act led colonial leaders to form the first continental congress and draw up a declaration of colonial rights in 1774?

Intolerable Acts by the British led colonial leaders to form the first continental congress and draw up a declaration of colonial rights in 1774. The congress was held as a means of protest against the British.

What events led to the continental congress?

the stamp act

What led up to the second continental congress?

The result of the First Continental Congress in 1775 was that Townshend Act was repealed. It actually accomplished little as the tea taxes remained in place. The Second Continental Congress accomplished more.

Who led the second continental congress?

i think it was George Washington