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The Federal Reserve has the power to establish monetary policy, like inflation, deflation, and interest rates. This power is not given to any entity by the Constitution except Congress, making the Fed's activities unconstitutional.

Similar things can be said of almost any agency you can think of: the IRS, SEC, FTC...They all have the ability to make rules and at times the ability to enforce them. The problem is that the Constitution vests legislative power in Congress only and executive power in the President's office only.

Currently, and for the past 100 years, we have unelected bureaucratic government officials usurping the power (or, Congress and the President have let their power be usurped, depending on your perspective) that is not given them by the Constitution. How will the people have any recourse in this matter, if the people cannot elect someone in the place of the existing bureaucracy?

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Q: What legislative power has the bureaucracy assumed?
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Control of the bureaucracy through legislative oversight is a matter of exercising the legislative veto and its spending authority.

What is the legislative process of monitoring the bureaucracy and its administration of policy?

Legislative Oversight.

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What is the legislative power of congress?

legislative power mean to have a two biocameral legislative

How necessary is bureaucracy?

Absolutely. Without the bureaucracy, there would be no institution to carry out the policy that is passed by the legislative and signed into law by the executive branch. The bureaucracy serves an important purpose, no bureaucracy would mean all laws passed would remain an abstraction and not become a reality.

What power does the executive branch have over the legislative?

The president has no power over the legislative.

What are the three areas the federal bureaucracy is divided into?

The United States government is divided into three separate branches, each with distinct responsibilities. These are the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches.

Which branch of the government has the power to make laws?

Legislative has the power to make laws.

What power does the legislative branch have over the executive branch?

The president has no power over the legislative.

What is non-legislative power?

Simply it means authority/power that does not originate with the legislative branch of government. In American govt. non-legislative power originates from the executive and judicial branch in the form of executive orders and judicial review respectively

How do the interest groups check the power of bureaucracy?

An interest group can check the power of a bureaucracy from the beureaucracy's main support desk. Whoever is employed at the front is able to look up a system of alphanumeric values that can tell the bureaucracy's growth over time.

Is the power to check other government branches a non-legislative power?

Yes, the power to check other government branches is a non-legislative power