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Having a constitution does not always mean that a nation has a constitutional government. A nation has a constitutional government when the powers of the person or group running the government are limited. For example, our Constitution limits the powers of the courts. It says they cannot force a person to be a witness against himself or herself. These limits on the government's power are part of the constitution.

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Monarchy has absolute power, people who governed have equal rights and the ruler inherit ates its position

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Q: What main parts make a monarchy government?
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Who said because power was in the hands of a king or queen this form of the government was rejected by the ancient Greeks?

Thucydides discussed the historical transition of government in Greece, but he didn't and no one would have used this form of words as it doesn't make sense to say that because of monarchy, monarchy was rejected. Aristotle also discussed the forms of government and in fact said that monarchy was the ideal form, better than aristocracy and democracy.

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Is monarchy better or worse than other forms of government?

It all depends. In a monarchy, only one person has all the power. They make all the decisions and laws. The problem with this form of government is that if a monarch is corrupt then it could cause problems for those under his/her rule.

What is the main job of the state government?

Make laws