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the executive branches main powers are:

  • veto bills/laws
  • call special sessions to congress
  • enforce laws
  • approve bills/laws

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Q: What main powers are held by Executive branch?
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the main duty of the executive branch is to enforce or administer laws.

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The main branches of government are:Legislative branch,executive branch,and Judicial branch.

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The Executive Branch contains the president and his cabinetry. It's sole purpose is to carry out the laws created by the legislative system. However, in recent years, the powers of the executive branch have been growing. While it hasn't necessarily over thrown our system of checks and balances, it has lead to an unfair gain in the executive branch.

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the president

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the main duty of the executive branch is to carry out the laws

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There are three main branches of government in the United States, the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branches of government. The main responsibility of the legislative branch of government is to write and pass laws.

Is congress a main officer in the executive branch?

No. The president is.

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Enforcement of laws