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Yes, there was an office held when Abraham was president and that office was oval office.

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Q: What national offices held by Abraham Lincoln?
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How did Abraham Lincoln represent republican principles during the Lincoln-doughlas debates?

As a candidate for the senate seat held by Democrat Stephen Douglas, Republican Abraham Lincoln provided a moderate position on the issue of slavery. He did this because earlier in the 1850's the radical Republican view that slavery needed to be abolished at once throughout the nation was just "too radical" for many citizens to bear. Lincoln was opposed to the national sovereignty policy created by Douglas. The result of this policy, which Douglas did not approve, was the violence it created in Kansas. There as per the Act passed by Congress, people would vote as to whether the state would be a free one or a slave state. It must be noted however, that although most Republicans and even Democrats in Illinois did not believe slavery was "Just", Lincoln and Douglas believed at that time that Blacks were not equal to whites.

Is the power to establish post offices held by the federal governmentthe state government or both?


In a federal government the power is held by which government?

national and state

Most power in the world today is held by what kind of government?


How did Abraham Lincoln show leadership?

Abraham Lincoln showed leadership in many ways. A few simple ways was that he held true to his beliefs and would not be pushed around by the opposing party or his own party. Lincoln also was able to unite the majority of the Union in the effort (more the idea) of Reconstruction after the war. He showed leadership in this area by showing he was merciful towards those who had rebelled during the Civil War. He believed that in order for the Union to heal, the Northern States should forgive the South and reunite so that we could all work together to rebuild our nation. These are two of the ways he showed leadership.

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What are the two political offices did Abraham Lincoln held?

He was State Assemblyman in the Illinois State Legislature, and then elected to US Congress from Illinois.

Gettysburg Address?

Speech given by Abraham Lincoln which captured the spirit of liberty and morality ideally held by citizens of a democracy. That ideal was threatened by the Civil War.

Who held the first Easter egg hunt at the White House?

President Abraham Lincoln

What issue did Abraham Lincoln and Stephen a Douglas disagree during their debates?

In 1858, Abraham Lincoln sought the senate seat in Illinois that was held by nationally known Stephen A. Douglas. The major issue in the debates they had during the campaign centered around slavery. Douglas attempted to portray Lincoln as a radical and Lincoln tried to make Douglas seem a pro-slavery senator. Douglas easily won the election, but it gave Lincoln national attention.

The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of debates held between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas during their campaign for which office?

U.S. senator

What public office was Lincoln in?

President Lincoln held the public offices of: US President US Congressman from Illinois and State Congressman or State Assembly in Illinois.

What play was Abraham Lincoln killed?

US President Abraham Lincoln was at the play of Our American Cousin. The comedy play was being held at the Ford theater. There in the presidential booth, John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head. Lincoln died of the wound the next morning.

What two senatorial candidates held a series of debates in Illinois in 1858?

Stephen Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln

Who wrote 140 speeches in 30 days?

Abraham Lincoln held 140 speeches in 30 days.

When was Abraham elected president?

Abraham Lincoln was elected as president of the Untied States in 1861. His inauguration was held on March 4, 1861.

What was the Emancipation?

The emancipation was when Abraham Lincoln said all slaves held by southerners were free to go. It did not make them citizens, nor did it let slaves held by northerners go.

What president help the nation together during the civil war?

Union President Abraham Lincoln held the Union together; Confederacy President Jefferson Davis held the South together