The issue of slavery split the party. "Conscience Whigs" in the North favored the abolition of slavery and halting the institution's spread into new territories. The "Cotton Whigs" in the South took the opposite viewpoints. Following Scott's poor showing in 1852, the southerners moved to the Democratic Party and the northerners to the newly formed Republican Party.
The Whig party had split over the issue of slavery and had lost support in both the North and South. The Democratic Party, which had survived numerous crises in its history, was still alive, though scarred. The new Republican Party moved within striking distance of the presidency. © The Americans: Reconstrucrion through the 20th Century. Page 169
The Republicans formed from parts of the old Whig party, which had fragmented over the issue of slavery, and the Free Soil movement. Republicans were generally expansionists who feared the extension of slavery into new states.
Millard Fillmore, the 13th President was a Whig. He was originally the Vice President under Zachary Taylor of the Whig Party. When Taylor died, Fillmore became President.However, the Democratic Party of James Buchanan was only vaguely related to the modern Democratic Party. The Democrats split just before the Civil War and ran separate candidates. After the Civil War, the only white Southerners who were allowed to vote were people who had not supported the Confederate government. Eventually they were all allowed to vote and a new national Democratic Party was formed . Grover Cleveland was the first member of the new Democrats to win.
The Whig Party
The Constitutional Union Party was formed after the Whig Party split and the Know Nothing Movement fell apart. Before the new party formed, it was also known as the American Party.
After the Whig party and the Know-Nothing movement fell apart, some members from each jointed to form another party. The new party was the Constitutional Union Party.
After the Whig party and the Know-Nothing movement fell apart, some members from each jointed to form another party. The new party was the Constitutional Union Party.
The Democrats split in 1860, making it easier for the new Republican party to win.
The new party was the Republican party. It attacted most of the anti-slavery wing of the Whig Party, which eventually came to an end.
The Democratic party, formed by Andrew Jackson and the Whigs party an opposition party.
The issue of slavery split the party. "Conscience Whigs" in the North favored the abolition of slavery and halting the institution's spread into new territories. The "Cotton Whigs" in the South took the opposite viewpoints. Following Scott's poor showing in 1852, the southerners moved to the Democratic Party and the northerners to the newly formed Republican Party.
In the election of 1852 the Whig Party began to be destroyed. The party was divided on whether or not to allow slavery in the new territories.
The Republican Party.
The new party was the Republican party. It attacted most of the anti-slavery wing of the Whig Party, which eventually came to an end.
The new Whig Party consisted mainly of those who disliked Andrew Jackson.
For all practical purposes, the new Republican Party replaced the Whig party and firmly displaced the Whigs. The Whigs basically disappeared and the new Republican Party was the only serious rival to the dominating Democrats.