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Q: What party wanted slavery to continue?
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Which political party wanted to keep slavery out of the western territories?

The Free-Soil Party wanted the western territories to be free from slavery.

Who wanted slavery to continue?

The people of the southern America wanted the slavery to contending Abraham Lincoln won the civil war. the south agreed to free the slaves

What political party wanted to keep slavery out of the western territories?

free soil party

What was John Breckinridge party's platform?

He wanted expansion of slavery in the territories. :(

Where did the Republican Party want to keep slavery out of?

The new Southwestern territories that were seeking admission to the USA. The Republicans wanted to maintain the Northern majority in Congress, so that they could continue to protect Northern industry by levying tariffs on imported goods, which were mostly needed by the South.

Why were Whigs and Democrats forced to take a stand on slavery?

The Free-Soil Party wanted to allow slavery in the new territories.

Why were the whigs and democrats forced to take a stand on slavery?

The Free-Soil Party wanted to allow slavery in the new territories.

What was the political party that wanted to stop slavery?

The Republican Party was the political party that emerged in the 1850s with the primary goal of stopping the spread of slavery. Led by figures such as Abraham Lincoln, the party opposed the expansion of slavery into the new western territories and eventually played a crucial role in the abolition of slavery during the Civil War.

How did the Liberty Party want to end slavery?

The Liberty party wanted to end slavery by having it declared unconstitutional. The Liberty party argued that enslaving a person was in direct conflict with the United States constitution.

Which Party Republicans or Democrats wanted slavery to continue?

Democrats. Abraham Lincoln(who was a republican) was an advocate of freeing the slaves, while the opposing side profusely resented the notion, hence the American Civil War happened.

How did the Northern and Southern Democrats differ over the party's platform on slavery in 1860?

The Northern and Southern Democrats differed over the party's platform on slavery in 1860 since the southerners wanted the party to defend slavery in the platform and Northerners wanted the platform to support popular sovereignty as a way of deciding whether a territory became a free state or a slave state.

Why did southermers want a democrat for president in 1860?

The new Republican Party wanted to abolish slavery.