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Over 60% have never left the US!

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Q: What percent of Americans have never left the country in their lifetime?
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He never made it back he was wounded by a group of Native Americans.

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It is difficult to determine an exact number, but on average, Americans may eat thousands of sandwiches over their lifetime. This number can vary widely depending on individual habits and preferences.

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No there were several and the British NEVER lost a single one that's why the Americans are a free country you MORON

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No...never.....not in this lifetime! Warrants never expire, especialy in Florida!

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Never in a lifetime, But they might be better

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The letter "e" because its twice in lifetime, once in year, twice in week, and never in a day

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The United States was never yet made. They were still the Colonials. And the Colonials fought the Monarchy of Great Britain.

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Native Americans never went to Europe. Some individuals made a visit, but the population of Native Americans never went to Europe.

What happens once in a moment twice in a moment but never in a lifetime?

the letter m