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Not many, it's a British political party. However, some loyalists during the Revolution were known as Tories.

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Q: What percentage of Americans where Tories?
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Where there at least one half of all Americans colonists were tories?


In the American Revolution did the Tories or the Whigs want the Americans to win the war?


At least one half of all Americans colonist were tories?

NO 1/3 was

Who were the Americans who remained loyal to Britain?

During the American Revolution they were called loyalists, also Tories. During the American Revolution they were called loyalists, also Tories. vbvbvbvbv

The best estimate of the proportion of Patriots and Tories during the war for independence is that?

Patriots were more numerous than Tories, but large numbers of Americans were indifferent.

What were Americans who fought for King George and who earned the contempt of Patriots called?

'Loyalists' or 'Tories.

What were Americans called who were remained loyal to the great Britain?

They were often called Loyalists or Tories.

What were Americans that remained loyal to Great Britain called?

They were called loyalists.

What was the name of the Americans who choose to stay with Britain?

They were called Tories or Loyalists or sometimes, King's men.

Americans who remained loyal to Great Britain were called loyalist or?

yes it loyalist

What is the significance of loyalist and Tories?

Loyalists and tories provided crack/elite forces to the British. They also eroded American trust and support for independence. Tories were able to infiltrate American societies easily. Loyalists were armed like Americans, with long rifles able for sniping and special missions like the Americans used to success. The british used them poorly; the loyalists could have done much more.

Who did the Tories side with?

The Tories sided with Britain.