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Q: What points about human rights does Jefferson make at the beginning of the declaration?
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What did Thomas Jefferson base his unalienable rights on the work of?

The statements made in the beginning of the Declaration of Independence are from the philosophy of john Locke. His philosophy was revolutionary because people had no rights for anything. Only kings had rights.

What did Thomas Jefferson based his unalienable rights on the work on?

The statements made in the beginning of the Declaration of Independence are from the philosophy of john Locke. His philosophy was revolutionary because people had no rights for anything. Only kings had rights.

In the Declaration of Independence Jefferson Refers to the natural rights as?

that one chick with the booty

What did Thomas Jefferson say the government should be based on in the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson stated the government should be based on protecting the rights of people's freedom. The Declaration of Independence was based on the rights of people.

What document are these unalienable rights specifically mentioned?

The Declaration of Independence mentioned the rights of man. Jefferson had read Locke and used the Enlightenment thinking in the Declaration.

Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are examples of?

unalienable rights

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What is the role of true government as Thomas Jefferson portrays it in The Declaration of Independence

What people helped write the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence. He was advised by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was inspired by the Virginia Declaration of Rights written by George Mason and Thomas Ludwell Lee.

What was the Declaration of Independence based?

Thomas Jefferson based much of the Declaration of Independence on the idea that all men have rights. These included â??Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

What idea did thomas Jefferson support in the declaration of independence?

The idea of natural rights "Nick Mays"

Thomas Jefferson based the unalienable rights on?

The statements made in the beginning of the Declaration of Independence are from the philosophy of John Locke. His philosophy was revolutionary because people had no rights for anything. Only kings had rights.