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Q: What powers did the national bank have?
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Alexander hamilton's recommendation for a national bank is an example of what?

Hamilton's "Report on a National Bank" was designed to facilitate establishment of public credit and to enhance the powers of the new national government.

What was the first battle over the implied powers of congress over?

Alexander Hamilton's National Bank.

What do implied powers do?

Implied powers allow the congress to have more powers because they were hinted in the consitution. Such as when they are allowed to make banks because of the power they have to manage money. It is implied that they can have a national bank.

Why did jefferson and madision oppose the national bank?

They believed it was unconstitutional because it was not stated in the constitution that one of the powers of the federal government was to create a national bank. Hamilton however said that it was needed to enforce taxes and that because of the "necessary and proper" clause, they should create a national bank, so they did.

Why did southerns oppose many of Hamilton's proposals for building a strong economy?

They were afraid of a strong national government with economic powers controlled by the rich and powerful at the expense of the average American.

What are powers given to the congress called?

National powers

National powers are called what?

National powers are called "federal powers."

What powers gives congress more creative avenues for expanding their powers?

Implied powers are what allow Congress to creatively expand its reach and power. Alexander Hamilton used the argument of implied powers to justify the creation of a national bank.

How have each of these powersexpressed national powers Implied powersand Inherent powers contributed to expansion of the national government?

What is meant by expressed national powers? Implied powers? Inherent powers? How have each of these powers contributed to expansion of the national government?

Why did Alexander Hamilton argue the United states could charter a bank?

He argued there are both implied and expressly enumerated powers, and that both types of powers are delegated to the national government.

Why did Alexander Hamilton argue the US could still charter a bank?

He argued there are both implied and expressly enumerated powers, and that both types of powers are delegated to the national government.

What are national powers and state powers divided into?

National powers are called "Federal powers"; those of the States' are called "police powers."