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The Greek god Erebus was the personifcation of darkness whose dark mists enveloped the edges of the world, and filled the deep hollows of the earth. It was Nyx that took a veil of these mists to the upper air and made night possible. The name Erebos was also used for the dismal, netherworld realm of Haides.

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Where is mountain erebus?

Mount Erebus is a Antarctic volcano.

Does mt erebus have trees on it?

no, Mt Erebus does not have trees on it

Is erebus dormant?

No, Erebus is active, continuously so.

What is the flora on Mount Erebus?

plants flora on mount erebus are lichens, bryophytes, algae, and fungiAnother AnswerMt Erebus is an active volcano in a polar climate. There is no flora on Mt Erebus.

Is Erebus fictional?

No, Erebus was a ancient Greek primeval god.

When was Erebus crepuscularis created?

Erebus crepuscularis was created in 1758.

Where is mt erebus located?

Mount Erebus is located in Antarctica.

How tall is Mt Erebus in feet?

Mt. Erebus is 12,448 ft.

Who are the enemies of Erebus?

The Greek god Erebus is not said to have had any enemies.

What does Erebus fear?

In Greek myth Erebus is not said to have any fear.

What type of volcanoes is Erebus?

Mount Erebus is classified as a polygenetic stratovolcano

Is the god Erebus male or female?

Erebus is a Greek god, and male.