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Q: What reforms did enlightenment thinkers make to the government?
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Why did the Progressive movement support changes to the political system such as the primary initiative and referendum?

They were reforms to make the government more democratic

Which reforms did horace mann convince the state of Massachusetts to make?

the reforms of education

What are thomas hobbes and john Locke's views of the social contract?

Social contract theory holds that in earliest history man lived in a state of nature. No government existed. Each man was only as secure as his own power and mental awareness could make him. There views would be as pre-enlightenment thinkers.

To avoid economic collapse in the early 1980s Mexico had to .?

make painful reforms

How did the enlightenment influence the American political thought?

The American Enlightenment is a term sometimes employed to describe the intellectual culture of the British North American colonies and the early United States (as they became known following the American Revolution). It was a part of a larger intellectual movement known as the Age of Enlightenment. The American Enlightenment began during the 1690s but didn't become fully realized until the 1730s. The origins of the American Enlightenment are predominantly European. However Puritan culture also contributed to the prominence of the Enlightenment in America. Small Puritan religious colleges were one of the few places where philosophy was discussed prior to the Enlightenment. During the American Enlightenment these colleges rapidly expanded and became the breeding grounds for the Enlightenment thinkers. Throughout the colonies "Enlightened" individuals focused on classical writings for inspiration. The American Enlightenment was categorized not only by knowledge of classical writings but also an atmosphere where people craved new knowledge and wisdom. It was that craving that inspired people to make new developments in science, religion, and politics. There was a large emphasis during the Enlightenment for new scientific developments. One of the easiest ways America participated in the scientific community was by exploring the colonies. During expeditions through unknown territories explorers kept very detailed journals noting any discovery of new plant or animal life. Dr. Michael Sarrazin was an example of an explorer whose scientific journals largely contributed to the scientific community. Dr. Sarrazin took expeditions to document any plant or animal life previously unknown in Europe. He then sent his journals and plant specimens to Europe where they were studied at Oxford University and The Academy of Sciences. The largest contribution to scientific community came from Benjamin Franklin's works on electricity. Franklin was convinced that new scientific discoveries like electricity should be put to use for the improvement of human life. Although the Enlightenment's effect on religion is often overlooked, it was evident in America. John Wise, a Puritan clergyman, supported Plutarch's claim that "to follow God and obey Reason is the same thing." Wise began to preach these ideals and immediately received praise from some of the best known enlightened thinkers. Wise's "religion of reason" became very popular especially in the Calvinist and Anglican congregations in the colonies but found serious opposition when received by more orthodox communities. Wise's "religion of reason" has a left a lasting mark on the predominant Christian denominations today. Probably the most influential aspects of the American Enlightenment were political developments. It is without doubt that the ideas of the American Enlightenment led to America's independence and the principles of the Government America has today. Through enlightenment ideals people began to think that a ruler had to be held to higher laws. American political minds like Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Samuel Adams, and James Madison were able to take the ideas of John Locke, David Hume, and Adam Smith to create a government whose power was obtained from the people. The founding fathers were able to create a checks and balances system that held rulers to higher laws. They also sought to create a government that would protect the natural rights of man. Today, this is exemplified in the Bill of Rights.

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Enlightenment thinkers believed that anyone could use logic to understand the natural world, govern society, and make moral decisions. They emphasized reasoning and rationality as tools for advancing knowledge and progress.

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The goal of Enlightenment thinkers was to promote reason, knowledge, and individual freedom as a means to challenge traditional authority such as the church and monarchy. They aimed to advance human society by advocating for equality, liberty, and the rights of the individual.

What was a goal of enlightenment thinkers?

To make life better for humanity

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How far did Louis Napoleon fulfill his policies to the people of France?

On the surface, Louis Napoleon made much needed reforms in voting, trade unions, and reforms in government. It wasn't long however that his reforms were transformed into government controlled elections, and other acts that basically reversed his earlier reforms to make France a more democratic republic.

Why did the Progressive movement support changes to the political system such as the primary initiative and referendum?

They were reforms to make the government more democratic

What were Womens rights in the enlightenment?

During the Enlightenment, women's rights were limited in comparison to men. Women were often seen as subordinate to men and were excluded from many aspects of public life, such as education and political participation. Despite this, some Enlightenment thinkers did advocate for greater rights for women, such as Mary Wollstonecraft who argued for equal education and political rights for women.

Which reforms did horace mann convince the state of Massachusetts to make?

the reforms of education

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The enlightenment despots supported the philosophes' ideas. But they also had no intention of giving up any power. The changes they made were motivated by two desires: they wanted to make their countries stronger and their own rule more effective.