Gaining weight as is pack with sugars,chemicals and vitamins.
Quaker Party
gaining commercial profit
organizing- apex
By the election of 1876, it was a common belief among Northerners that Reconstruction had failed. The economic depression (beginning in 1873) and vast mistrust of the scandal-ridden Grant administration convinced Northerners that Reconstruction was over and it was time to move on. Only South Carolina and Louisiana still had troops occupying statehouses but there was widespread distaste of this after 11 years of occupation. The disputed election of 1876 went beyond just the presidential election - rival Democrat and Republican governments set themselves up against each other in SC and LA. It soon became clear that even though the Republican governments were "official," tax monies collected at the local level were forwarded to the rival Democratic governments - Republicans were, in effect, being starved out. Even if Hayes continued to recognize the Republican governments, this would've implied the use of military force and continued occupation, which the country was dead-set against. He got public concessions from the Democratic governments that they would respect the rights of blacks but this was simply political cover to accept the inevitable. It is hard to imagine any other president continuing Reconstruction policies, Hayes just happened to be the guy in charge at the time. Thus, there is little significance in the Hayes victory for Reconstruction - Samuel Tilden would've followed similar policies.
monroe doctrine
Some of the immediate effects of American reconstruction were the end of slavery, a change of government in the South to disallow Confederate politicians, and the drop of the southern economy because of the lack of slave labor. Longer-term effects included African-Americans gaining the right to vote, long-lasting racial tensions, and the growth of communities that had mostly or all African-Americans.
Some of the immediate effects of American reconstruction were the end of slavery, a change of government in the South to disallow Confederate politicians, and the drop of the southern economy because of the lack of slave labor. Longer-term effects included African-Americans gaining the right to vote, long-lasting racial tensions, and the growth of communities that had mostly or all African-Americans.
Texas helped Mexicans in Texas, and started reconstruction.
The Meiji restoration resulted in the Japanese emperor gaining substantial power.
Mexican-American War
The Meiji restoration resulted in the Japanese emperor gaining substantial power.
The Mexican-American war
British access to Mississippi river and removal of American warships from the Great Lakes
The 19th Amendment, which resulted in women gaining the right to vote in all US states.
The US victory in the Spanish American War resulted in the US gaining possession and/or control of many new territories. These and other territorial gains resulted in the creation of a new far flung empire.