Citizens have little or no role in the government.
what is the role of citizens in a unitary government?
18th Amendment
he was a native american genral, he was also a spiritual leader.
Sitting Bull did not make a formal agreement with the government. He resisted U.S. government policies and fought against their encroachment on Lakota lands. He played a prominent role in the Battle of the Little Bighorn, where he and his allies defeated General Custer and his troops.
One of the notable Lakota tribe leaders was Sitting Bull. He was a Hunkpapa Lakota leader who played a significant role in the resistance against the United States government policies. Sitting Bull is remembered for his leadership during the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876.
This answer is that the governments role is very little
This answer is that the governments role is very little
This answer is that the governments role is very little
Citizens have little or no role in the government.
Government was not involved in the battle. It was a military plan executed by the military. Governments provided the forces.
"Government by the few" is known as oligarchy.
The US constitution says very little about the role of the government in the economic system, and certainly does not include a full description of that role.
Sitting Bull was a Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux holy man who led his people as a war chief during years of resistance to United States government policies.He is notable in American and Native American history for his role in the major victory at the Battle of the Little Bighorn against Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer and the U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment on June 25, 1876, where Sitting Bull's premonition of defeating the cavalry became reality. (Wikipedia)For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.
What role did airplanes play in the Battle of the Atlantic?