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Nominating Candidates for election to public office, structuring the voting choice in elections, proposing alternative government programs, and coordinating the actions of government officials.

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15y ago
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9y ago

Democracy can be defined as rule for the people, of the people, by the people. Actually it would be the means by which a government can run. In fact, democracy is based on a free and fair election mechanism, with participation of all people in decision making. Freedom of all parties to take part in an election is one of the most important things to assure democracy. Democracy is maintained when there is more than one political party. It reflects public opinion, and allows for mass participation in decision making. The existence of independent political parties who all have a chance to field candidates for election implies a democracy.

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13y ago

Political parties have an important role in society in inducting /influencing the members in the society as political members and in political participation directly or indirectly in the governing the state.

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15y ago

to influence ppl to vote for a specific person

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10y ago

Answer this question...what role do political play in our society

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7y ago

They run the election and the candidates are part of a party that supports them.

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6y ago

They provide money, organization, and people to help a candidate win the election.

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Q: What role do the political parties play in the political process?
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It is possible to govern a democracy without political parties; however, political parties often play a key role in organizing political activity and providing structure to the democratic process. Without political parties, decision-making and representation may become more decentralized and potentially less effective.

What is roles do political parties play and why?

Political parties have an important role to play in inducting/influencing members of the society in direct/indirect political participation in governing the state.The state has been assigned a function with the will of the people and by the people to govern by indirect representation through members elected in a political party. The non governing political parties become oppositions and expose the policies and the weaknesses in governing of the government by elected political party of the state to the people.