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I think they are thinking about govt property not for students education

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Kaia Paucek

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Q: What role is played by a partys national committee members?
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The role of the house rules committee is played in the senate is the?

House rules committee is responsible for coming up with a schedule on how to present bills to the house for debate. The rules committee normally meets ever Wednesday.

What games were played during the Revolutionary War?

mostly there were many sports but nothing national or anything. Many dumb playing with themselves.

What did senator Joseph McCarthy have to do with the Red Scare of the 1950s?

Joseph McCarthy was a Senator who ruined the careers of many people by calling them Communists, or "Reds," without sufficient proof.In 1950, anti-communist hysteria began to emerge in the USA as encouraged by the actions of Senator Joe McCarthy who began accusing high-ranking US officials of being communists, or of selling secrets to the Russians. Some government employees were found guilty of passing on secrets about the Atom Bomb. But McCarthy eventually lost popularity, and then power, as his accusations grew wilder and cruder each day. All of this simply served to increase tension between the two superpowers, the US and the Soviet Union.At the same time as McCarthy's denunciations, the House Un-American Activities Committee was also active. Many actors and writers were brought in before the Committee, and their lives ruined by threats and accusations. There were some Hollywood writers who were out of work for years because of these actions. They had been placed on a "blacklist" and studios were afraid to be connected with them.________________Senator McCarthy, a Republican from Wisconsin, was Chairman of the US Senate Permanent Sub-Committee on Investigations. He is viewed as a leading figure of the "Red Scare" of the 1950s. His committee, however, was not involved in the Hollywood Blacklist. McCarthy's committee was focused on supposed communists in the State Department, the Department of Defense, and other federal agencies.The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) is the group identified with the Hollywood Blacklist. Or more properly, their investigations into supposed communists in Hollywood led the movie industry to establish the Blacklist as proof of their sincerity in fighting the supposed communists.Senator McCarthy's activities are frequently confused with those of the HUAC. Richard Nixon was a member of HUAC while a member of the US House of Representatives.The movie Julie & Julia (2009) is about the chef Julia Child and stars Meryl Streep. Julia's husband Paul Child, played by Stanley Tucci, is a state department official who was questioned by McCarthy's committee investigators and found innocent. Nonetheless the threat of investigation was often used to intimidate witnesses.

Why was the election of Jackson in 1828 considered to be a revolution?

Jackson was seen as a representative of the "common man." He was from the Western frontier and was a self-made man. The first six presidents were all from the Eastern establishment, all wealthy, all founding fathers (or the son of a founding father), and except for Washington, all educated in the best schools of their day. It was also a new time when political voting and forms of politics where changing. It was the first election in which national parties and national campaigns played a major role in the election of the President.

Was the American revolution a social upheavel that transformed colonial society?

Yes, from the English settlers teaching them how to survive in the New World by going to war to protect their land. This played a major role in several conflicts between the Colonies and England.

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Reince Priebus has: Played Himself - Chairman of the Republican National Committee in "Meet the Press" in 1947. Played Himself - Chairman of the Republican Party in "Meet the Press" in 1947. Played Himself - Chairman of the Republican National Committee in "Today" in 1952. Played Himself - Chairman of the Republican National Committee in "Face the Nation" in 1954. Played Himself - Republican National Committee Chairman in "Crossfire" in 1982. Played Himself - Chairman of the Republican National Committee in "This Week" in 1996. Played Himself - Chairman, Republican National Committee in "Fox News Sunday" in 1996. Played himself in "MSNBC Live" in 1996. Played Himself - Chairman, Republican National Committee in "Fox and Friends" in 1998. Played Himself - Chairman, Republican National Committee in "Lou Dobbs Tonight" in 2001. Played Himself - Chairman of the Republican National Committee in "Morning Joe" in 2007. Played himself in "Happening Now" in 2007. Played Himself - Chairman, Republican National Committee in "Huckabee" in 2008. Played Himself - Chairman, RNC in "Hannity" in 2009. Played Himself - Chairman, Republican National Committee in "Hannity" in 2009. Played himself in "Hannity" in 2009. Played himself in "America Live" in 2010. Played himself in "Piers Morgan Tonight" in 2011. Played Himself - Chairman of the Republican National Committee in "CBS This Morning" in 2012.

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The most recent show I have found was Tuesday, February 9th when they played for the members of the International Olympic Committee.

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Deborah Wasserman Schultz has: Played Herself - Representative, Florida in "Meet the Press" in 1947. Played herself in "Today" in 1952. Played Herself - Democratic National Committee Chair in "Face the Nation" in 1954. Played herself in "Crossfire" in 1982. Played Herself - Democratic National Committee Chairwoman in "Crossfire" in 1982. Played Herself - U.S. Representative for Florida in "Uvda" in 1993. Played herself in "Special Report with Brit Hume" in 1996. Played Herself - Powerhouse Roundtable Panelist in "This Week" in 1996. Played herself in "MSNBC Live" in 1996. Played Herself - Chair, Democratic National Committee in "Fox News Sunday" in 1996. Played herself in "Hardball with Chris Matthews" in 1997. Played herself in "Fox and Friends" in 1998. Played herself in "The Early Show" in 1999. Played D-FL in "Real Time with Bill Maher" in 2003. Played Herself - Guest in "Real Time with Bill Maher" in 2003. Played herself in "Tavis Smiley" in 2004. Played herself in "Happening Now" in 2007. Played herself in "IFC News: 2008 Uncut" in 2007. Played herself in "The Ed Show" in 2009. Played herself in "America Live" in 2010. Played herself in "Martin Bashir" in 2011. Played herself in "Erin Burnett OutFront" in 2011. Played herself in "Piers Morgan Tonight" in 2011. Played Herself - Chair of the Democratic National Committee in "US Election Night 2012" in 2012.

What is a charter member of a sports team?

A member of the team when the team began play for the first time or season or year.The term 'Charter member' is usually used with leagues or conferences. For example, the National League of baseball began play as a major league in 1876. The teams that played in the National League in 1876 would be considered 'charter members' because they played in the first year of the league. The National Football League began play in 1920. The teams that played in the NFL in 1920 would be considered 'charter members'.

The role of the house rules committee is played in the senate is the?

House rules committee is responsible for coming up with a schedule on how to present bills to the house for debate. The rules committee normally meets ever Wednesday.

What movie and television projects has Martin Dies been in?

Martin Dies has: Played himself in "Committee on UnAmerican Activities" in 1962. Played himself in "Seeing Red" in 1983. Played Himself - Chairman of House Un-American Activities Committee in "Bogart: The Untold Story" in 1996. Played himself in "Assignment: Rescue" in 1997. Played himself in "The Tramp and the Dictator" in 2002.

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What movie and television projects has Susan Beresford been in?

Susan Beresford has: Played Mrs. Webster in "Grange Hill" in 1978. Played Miss Fry in "The Gentle Touch" in 1980. Played Councillor Pleat in "Shine on Harvey Moon" in 1982. Played Doctor in "First Born" in 1988. Played W.P.C. in "The Tall Guy" in 1989. Played Chair of Police Committee in "Between the Lines" in 1992. Played Mrs. Mountchessington in "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" in 2007.

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Jeb Hensarling has: Played Himself - Financial Services Committee in "Frontline" in 1983. Played himself in "Fox and Friends" in 1998. Played himself in "Cavuto on Business" in 2000. Played himself in "Happening Now" in 2007. Played himself in "Hannity" in 2009. Played Himself - Chairman, House Financial Services Committee in "The Willis Report" in 2011.

What sports are played by disabled people in Australia?

People who are disabled are able to play almost any sport. The Australian Paralympic Committee manages boccia, goalball, powerlifting, wheelcahir rugby, and winter sports. There is also a National Wheelchair Basketball League in Australia.

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Edward Leigh has: Played himself in "A Week in Politics" in 1982. Played Himself - Public Accounts Committee Chairman in "BBC London News" in 2001. Played Himself - Public Accounts Select Committee Chairman in "The Daily Politics" in 2003. Played himself in "Mystery Diagnosis" in 2005. Played himself in "Election Night" in 2007.